Date(s) - 07/02/2016
12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
The Draft House Westbridge
Bob Clarke
This will be the third and last of our philosophical investigations into how we can go about understanding Life on Earth. We have been looking at both ‘Top Down’ (e.g. cultural) and ‘Bottom Up’ (e.g. materialist, reductionist) ways of understanding Life and focussing on intellectual movements that are seeking to reconcile these two approaches. In this meeting we will investigate the concept of “autopoiesis”: the idea that the major concern of lifeforms is self-making. We will also look into the “Four E’s” that have come to be associated with autopoiesis: Embodiment, Enaction, Embeddedness and Extension. The presentation will summarise the discussions held in Parts 1 and 2, relating autopoiesis to them in a broader context, but will be self-contained so that those who missed the earlier discussions should have no difficulty following the general line of thought here and can be encouraged to attend.